Kokab Parveen, executive member of the Central and North Punjab Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry, says 50 per cent women in Pakistan today are working in the service as well as the product sectors. Many of them are also engaged in working with the cottage industries and self-employment groups. Parveen was in Ludhiana with a group from Pakistan that has displayed its creations during "Baisakhi Dhamaka".
Giving a striking example of women managing a slaughter house, she said one of the members of the chamber, Dr Azmat Safi, was managing a slaughter house. "Even the employees working in her slaughter house are women. Another woman, Qaisra Sheikh, is making gensets while Dr Shela Zawed is running a pharmaceutical firm," she said. Women today are very enterprising and taking up fresh challenges in their lives.
Besides, women in large numbers are engaged in cottage industry, embroidery, textile industry, shoe-making and jewellery. "Our chamber visits rural areas regularly to impart information on being self-reliant. "Five women are chosen by the chamber and their skill is modernised to make them self-reliant," she added.
Parveen was very happy over the response they got from Ludhiana residents to their products. "People here are really crazy for Pakistani suits, jewellery and traditional Punjabi juttis. I was exploring whether we can open showrooms to sell specialised Pakistani products," she added.